The dental hygiene team at Museum Dental continuously strive to provide the best oral health care possible to our patients. We take great pride in being an integral part of your health care team andenjoyed working with you to design an oral health care plan that will allow you to benefit from healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime.
Your dental hygiene cleaning and checkup includes:
- Appropriate assessment of your current oral health. This may include examination of your teeth and gums by both a dentist and hygienist. X-rays look at both the teeth and its supporting structures including the bone. They are often necessary to complete the diagnosis.
- Education in all areas of your oral health including but not limited to oral hygiene care, nutrition, medication interactions and stress.
- Collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to provide the best oral health care plan possible.
- Formulating an individualized treatment plan together with our patients in order to achieve their long-term goals of excellent oral health.
Remember it's more than "just" a cleaning.