Gingival Depigmentation Procedure

Hello Everyone!

It's been a while since our last blog post but we promise the wait was worth it! Dr.Philip Walton explains gingival depigmentation to us!

Although most people think of healthy gums being pink in colour, there are actually many variations that can exist. A number of race/ethnicity have darker gums which is commonly referred to as gingival hyper-pigmentation. This is most commonly found in Asian and African populations and tends to present itself with shades of brown or purple hues. The reason for this discolouration or darkening of the gums has to do with an increased presence of Melanin cells which are responsible for various skin tones as well.  


Although discolouration of the gums does not pose a health issue, there are many individuals who tend to be self conscious about the appearance and desire improved aesthetics. Until recently - it was believed that gingival pigmentation could not be altered. In fact - many so-called aesthetic surgeons or dentists in Beverly Hills have began to market high cost and unpredictable solutions for patients who are quite desperate to change their gum appearance.


In reality - newer methods which are undertaken with great ease are now available and can provide substantial improvement in the aesthetic appearance of pigmented gum tissues. These procedures are typically undertaken with just local anesthesia - similar to getting a filling done. The procedure is painless and can take as little as 20 minutes depending on the severity and extent of the hyper-pigmentation. Patients typically return to work the same day and daily routine/lifestyle continues unaltered. Mild soreness in the first few days is the only side effect to be expected.

The below case is a beautiful example of a before and after:



Here the patient is seen at less than 1 week following the upper being completed.  

Here the patient is seen at less than 1 week following the upper being completed. 


Here the patient is seen following completion of both the upper and lower arches

Here the patient is seen following completion of both the upper and lower arches

This case was performed by Dr. Phil Walton and represents his years of training and is not be used without permission.