Museum Dental Introduces Accelerated Invisalign Treatment with Propel

Propel Excelleration is  an innovative accelerated option that fast tracks patients’ invisalign orthodontic treatment. Excelleration allows patients to achieve excellent orthodontic results in half or less of traditional treatment time.

Propel Excelleration reduces the amount of time patients are in braces or clear aligners by working with the body’s own natural biology to stimulate the bone surrounding the teeth, helping the teeth to move faster. The simple 3-step in-office treatment is performed in minutes by the doctor and is done during a patient’s regularly scheduled appointment. The “Propel Excelleration” process yields minimal or no discomfort to the patient and requires no recovery time so normal daily activities can be resumed immediately. Results from patients who have already received Propel Excelleration have been exceptional.

Whether patients are looking to prepare for their wedding day, an upcoming graduation, or just simply want to finish treatment sooner, Propel Excelleration will help give them that beautiful smile in faster time.

Patients seeking additional information on Propel’s advanced orthodontic treatment are encouraged to view this video:

Dr. Michael Bulger